Wednesday, July 31, 2013

June-July Snapshot

What I'm Into at HopefulLeigh
i'm linking up with leigh again
I spent June in Canada -  a month with a side trip to Maine for a week. Home was excellent - lots of visiting with family, trips to the theatre, barbecues, coffee with friends, time outside, lots of sorting, and lots of packing (all my stuff is organized - mostly recycled or donated, a good part here, and the rest of it ready to ship). Coming back wasn't hard, because I had two cousins in tow! They're here for one more week, but more about that later - here's what's been going on:

On my nightstand: A Bride Most Begrudging (Deanne Gist) - a fast (fictional) read about a woman who was kidnapped in England and sent to Virginia as a tobacco bride. I hadn't really heard of tobacco brides, so this book was an eye-opener, including her experience as a religious Englishwoman in a Puritan colony.
heehee, best licence plate in maine!
War and Peace (Leo Tolstoy) - I'm nearly done this Jane Austen-esque social commentary, and I love it! It's not a hard read (honestly!) - don't be intimidated by the number of pages, just go for it. If you love Jane Austen, you'll probably slip right into this saga. I want to see the movie (um, Audrey Hepburn? ALWAYS!) and I'm very much looking forward to seeing the locations when Tall Guy and I go to Russia later this summer.
a cheeky chipmunk
On TV: To balance the high-brow Tolstoy, it's reruns of Friends all night long. My cousins are visiting, and we're discovering just how much we have in common - they love that show too.

On my plate: Lobstah in Maine, and tiny sandwiches in Madrid. Yum.
my mom's signature angle shot.
On my mind: Career paths in Madrid. Ideas are stewing. And Russian visa applications.
dad and bro in stratford. bro's not too sure about that swan...
In my heart: Bro and Bro-ette, as they settle into their new life in Taiwan. You can check out how they're doing here.


  1. I've been waiting on watching War and Peace until I read the book, but have yet to make it through more than a few pages. I just might go for it this month now!

    1. Hi Alissa,

      Thanks for stopping by - if you have a free afternoon (are there free afternoons with one-year olds around??), and a huge cup of coffee or tea, I would say, dive right in to War and Peace. It takes a little while to get hooked, but it is worth sticking it out!

  2. That license plate is awesome! I admit I'm skeptical about War & Peace not being a hard read. I hated Crime & Punishment but I do want to give all the Russian greats a fair shot. Maybe I'll give it a shot some day!
