Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Talls’ Icelandic Saga: Part 2 – These boots are made for walking

And that´s just what they did.

They took us up mountains,
it´s windy up here!
through old lava fields,


across glaciers, 

not cold. just cool.

 and kept us dry when crossing rivers.
YEAH we did! (at a bridge of course!)

Iceland Trip Tip: invest in good gear. Good boots and socks, a really waterproof raincoat and light hiking clothes to layer really made our trip more fun. We saw some poor souls aborting hikes due to flimsy footwear and some too-cool-for-schoolers who were soaking wet and miserable after checking out a waterfall on a blustery day.
you´ll even need a raincoat for your backpack!


  1. Best line... "not cold. just cool"

  2. Oh! I just noticed the raincoat for the backpack. That is just brilliant! I needed one of those in the rainforest... while we were hiking in the rain.
